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contoh kalimat belle isle

"belle isle" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • All historic landmarks on Belle Isle and downtown.
    Semua bangunan bersejarah di Belle Isle dan downtown.
  • Monte Wildhorn, may I present Miss Finnegan O'Neil of Belle Isle.
    Monte Wildhorn, kukenalkan Nona Finnegan O'Neil dari Belle Isle.
  • I'm not really from Belle Isle.
    Aku tak sepenuhnya dari Belle Isle.
  • I hope you're ready for me, Belle Isle, 'cause I'm coming for you.
    Kuharap kau siap untukku, Belle Isle... Karena aku akan datang padamu.
  • He was imprisoned in the Confederate Libby Prison and Belle Isle, which were notoriously harsh prisons.
    Dia dipenjara di Libby Prison Konfederasi dan Belle Isle, yang terkenal sebagai penjara kejam.
  • The Strait of Belle Isle separates the province into two geographical divisions, Labrador and the island of Newfoundland.
    Selat Belle Isle memisahkan provinsi menjadi dua divisi geografis, pulau Labrador dan Newfoundland.
  • The name "Belle Isle", French for Beautiful Island, might be a pun on Bell Hill (which derives from the distinctive "bell" shaped early coal mining bell pits of the hilly area).
    Nama "Belle Isle" mungkin pelesetan dari Bell Hill (yang berasal dari "lonceng"; penambangan batubara di daerah berbukit awalnya berbentuk lonceng).
  • In the late 18th century, Belle Isle was just a small hamlet for workers at a colliery opposite Middleton Woods, near the current site of Middleton colliery railway.
    Di akhir abad ke 18 Belle Isle hanya dusun kecil untuk pekerja di tambang batu bara yang terletak di seberang Middleton Woods, dekat lokasi yang saat ini Middleton railway (kereta api untuk batu bara).
  • Belle-Île, Belle-Île-en-Mer, or Belle Isle (ar Gerveur in Modern Breton; Guedel in Old Breton) is a French island off the coast of Brittany in the département of Morbihan, and the largest of Brittany's islands.
    Belle-Île, Belle-Île-en-Mer, atau Belle Isle (ar Gerveur dalam bahasa Breton Modern; Guedel dalam bahasa Breton Lama) adalah sebuah pulau Prancis di lepas pantai Brittany, département Morbihan, dan pulau terbesar di kepulauan Brittany.
  • Slum clearance and rebuilding began in Leeds during the interwar period when over 18,000 houses were built by the council on 24 estates in Cross Gates, Middleton, Gipton, Belle Isle and Halton Moor.
    Pembersihan kawasan kumuh dan pembaruan pembangunan dimulai di Leeds pada Periode antar perang ketika lebih dari 18.000 rumah dibangun oleh dewan kota pada 24 lokasi berbeda di tempat-tempat seperti Cross Gates, Middleton, Gipton, Belle Isle dan Halton Moor.
  • The Detroit Grand Prix (currently branded as the Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix presented by Lear Corporation for sponsorship reasons) is an IndyCar Series race weekend held on a temporary circuit at Belle Isle in Detroit, Michigan.
    Grand Prix Detroit (saat ini dipromosikan sebagai Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix presented by Lear Corporation untuk alasan sponsor) adalah perlombaan seri IndyCar Series yang diadakan di sirkuit temporer jalan raya di Belle Isle di Detroit, Michigan.
  • While the Appalachian Mountains stretch from Belle Isle in Canada to Cheaha Mountain in Alabama, the cultural region of Appalachia typically refers only to the central and southern portions of the range, from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, southwesterly to the Great Smoky Mountains.
    Sementara Pegunungan Appalachia membentang dari Belle Isle di Kanada hingga Pegunungan Cheaha di negara bagian Alabama, Amerika Serikat, wilayah budaya Appalachia hanya merujuk pada pegunungan bagian tengah dan selatan.